SPE Procedure Anion Exchange
InertSep MA-2 for water analysis for Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), EPA 533

SPE Elution Profile
Elution profile of MA-2 SPE cartridge with a water sample containing the PFAS 21, and the recovery rate is shown for each of 1 mL elution volume. Because the InertSep MA -2 is a pure ion exchange mode with no reverse-phase behavior, you can easily and effectively elute even high carbon PFAS, such as PFOxDA(C18), with a small amount of solvent.

SPE Cartridge : InertSep MA-2 250mg
Solvent : 0.1% ammonium methanol
Elution Volume : 1mL x 10
InertSep MA-2 for Rapid SPE Procedure
Depending on the sensitivity and performance of LC/MS, your SPE method can be simplified by, for example, reducing the enrichment factor. Evaporation of the elution solvent is an effective way to save time and prevent contamination during the experiment. You can also scale down the amount of sample water, the size of the SPE cartridge, and the amount of the elution solvent.