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Carbon Silica Gel

Carbon silica gel has a structure in which activated carbon is deposited on the surface of spherical silica gel. By controlling the amount of activated carbon on the surface, it is possible to prepare carbon silica gel with different adsorption forces according to the GC/MS measurement conditions. Three different types of carbon are available. Two-layer cartridge columns are filled with two types of carbon silica gel with different adsorption properties, which is improved by the conventional cleanup method using a single-layer activated carbon silica gel column.



  • Cleanup agent with low impurities by new manufacturing method
  • Higher recoveries with fewer solvents
  • A glass reservoir prevents the elution of impurities from the components
  • 2 layer cartridge is possible to have clear fractions of di-ortho PCB, mono-ortho PCB, non-ortho PCB and PCDD/DFs


3 Items
10 g
1 pc.
10 g
1 pc.
1st Layer 3%, 2nd Layer 8%
0.4 g each
10 pcs.


There are application notes for Carbon Silica Gel.


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